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OnlineGAR is now compliant with the April 2024 regulations. The changes made are:

1. The first passenger listed as 'pilot' is assumed to be the captain, and their name, phone, email and address is sent as the responsible person for the form. Address fields are now mandatory for pilots, so you may need to fill this in for existing records.

2. New messaging makes it clear that a penalty of £10,000 will apply if data is not on time. To be on time it must be submitted between 48 hours and 2 hours prior to the arrival/departure in the UK.

3. Custom sites (Often referred to as ZZZZ) now MUST have co-ordinates specified to be valid. Some existing sites may just have postcode, and these will no longer be permitted to be submitted. If you use one of these you will need to edit it (Sites Menu at the top) and add co-ordinates.

In addition we've loaded the Border Force 'reference list' of farm strips and helipads into the system, which will have replaced some custom sites setup previously by users.

We're working to integrate Permission to Travel into the system by May.
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Password: Your Password