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Owner of the Site
OnlineGAR is a trading name of OnlineGAR Ltd.
UK Registered Company Number 10208682
The address is:

OnlineGAR Ltd
c/o Virtusales
Sheridan House
112-116 Western Road

How we use personal information
We are registered under the data protection act as we handle sensitive personal information. All information held on our system is held in order to provide an audit and re-use of repeat passengers. The information is transmitted to the UK Border force via a secure encrypted link, and will be made available to them if they wish to perform an audit or enquiry into the system directly. This information may be made available to other official government border agencies, and airfields and FBO organisations, only for Journeys that depart or arrive on their territory. The management of OnlineGAR will never view or use this information for any other purpose.

Where is the Data Stored?
The data is stored inside the United Kingdom across two data centres. The servers are dedicated to the single task, and wholly owned and maintained by OnlineGAR Ltd.

Request for Deletion
If you wish your personal data to be removed from the system a button is provided to do so on the passenger screen. When pressing this button, the record is kept but all sensitive data is securely erased immediately and cannot be retrieved. Please note that when the form is submitted the data is passed to the authorities and we have no control over it from that point. Backups are held online in a secure backups store for 30 days after which they are destroyed. If you need us to destroy your personal data, and that data is held under somebody else's account, please contact us and we will perform this deletion for you.

Request for Visibility
If you wish to know what data is stored about you, please contact us in writing at the above address. We will respond with a list of the data fields held about you, and which user accounts are holding that data.

Data Encryption
All sessions on OnlineGAR are encrypted with SSL (HTTPS). The data is stored in a secure database and all fields deemed sensitive are encrypted. Personal accounts can view and retrieve this data, but business accounts cannot see personal data once submitted.

Data Protection
OnlineGAR Ltd is registered on the Data Protection register.

Third Party Integrators
Third Party integrators are software applications that have been given a license and key to OnlineGAR, for example SkyDemon. They can create new user accounts on the system, and can access any user account that has specifically given them permission to do so. Through these credentials they can potentially gain access to view all personal information, so the user should only grant them permission if they are a trusted supplier. Whilst we endeavour to ensure only trustworthy suppliers are signed onto the third party integration program, we cannot make any guarantees on their behalf. If you do not trust any third party supplier(s) you should use the permissions button on your account profile to deny them access.

By creating a user account on OnlineGAR you are granting permission for cookies to be stored on your computer. Cookies are used by the site to track that you are signed in, and to keep your preferences. In addition cookies are used by Google Analytics for the purposes of tracking site usage statistics.